So I look at her, get right up in her cute little bug face, and sing "lalalala" to which I then take her little chiny-chin-chin and make her mouth "lalalala" back like a baby ventriloquist dummy. I did this maybe 5 times back and forth (because stupid shit like this is how I entertain myself) and the last time I did it, I SWEAR TO GOD, she looks at me with those big beautiful blue bug eyes and goes "ah-ah-ah-ah".
I just about shit my pants.
I have a parrot for a baby.
My mom and I look at each other with that "is this real life" face and just instantly start laughing. My 2 month old just imitated me. *Rubs hands together maliciously* THIS could get interesting.
So my first thought, obviously as a parent, is that clearly I have a baby genius on my hands. We all know as parents when we get our baby to do something cute or smart or funny...we keep repeating it to try and get them to do it again. So I did...and my mom and I sat there WAITING...and nothing. DAMN IT. And what's better is now I'm pretty sure she's looking at us with a "wtf is wrong with you" face, because the two of us are in absolute hysterics over this mini milestone and staring into her soul waiting for her to do it again.
I have this amazing, beautiful, expensive (for me) camera and a phone that is ALWAYS on my person...and yet somehow I still manage to miss all these moments.... Kicking myself in the ass. Oh well...maybe next's hoping!