Today's post I'm totally going to make worth your while. Why you ask? Well, because not only is today's post hilarious (as per usual) but it also comes coupled with some good news. No...not good news...GREAT, AWESOME, STUPENDOUS, KNOCK-YOUR-FUCKING-SOCKS-OFF news.
To begin, one thing I've learned in my photography journey is to just keep shooting. I had read hours and hours worth of factoids, advise, and tips on how to better you photography and get the best possible results. And one of the best tips I've received thus far, hands down, is to just keep shooting. Sometimes without setting up or perfecting the shot you can get this ridiculously awesome picture. Some of the best pictures I've gotten (this really only applies to moving subjects) are from continuous shots. Now I do still take my time throughout the shoot but, man those unplanned shots can really be something else. Now I know you want to see my all time favorite unplanned shot. Well here, take a look at this gem:

This is my puppy Sadee (as seen in "Ode to a Nikon") in all her sad, sad glory. Yep. If she had a facebook she DEFINITELY would have untagged that bad larry. I was so proud of taking this shot (and a few of the good ones of my bug, which i will follow up with in another post) and I would have never gotten it (or the mindless hours of laughing that followed) had it not been for my "just keep shooting" mantra. Just keep shooting, just keep shooting, shooting, shooting.
And that brings me to my ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING SO EXCITING news. IT HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN ANNOUNCED. After 10 years. TEN LONG AWAITED YEARS, they finally announced the sequel to Finding Nemo!!!

Not only am I fucking obsessed with Disney, Pixar, and all things related, but Ellen Degeneres is one of my favorite people of all time. Combine that shit together and you got one happy mama. I'm not so excited about having to wait another 2 years for it to be finished....but I think one of the biggest reasons I'm so elated is because this time around, I'll get to share it with my daughter and I can't freaking WAIT :D