Daddy and I took bug to the New England Aquarium. It was pretty fun until I saw an octopus.
Oh, I haven't mentioned...I have an irrational fear of octopuses (octopi?...whatever the plural of octopus is). Like they terrify the living SHIT out of me.
God knows why...I really don't understand it myself...but I do know they are DISGUSTING...they're all gross and suction-y and flopping...and anything with 8 legs is NOT ok in my book. Well I had a little spaz fit when I had NO WARNING of the octopus in the next tank while walking through the aquarium.
Every single hair on my body stood up and I did a complete 180 and power walked away in the opposite direction like a total freakazoid.
But I mean, octopus and 35 dollar parking aside (fucking nuts right?) it was a GREAT day.
It was also my best friends birthday yesterday.
24. Yep...we're getting so old. But we went to this great bar nearby and low and's trivia night! And guess who won trivia night? Our asses did. 30 dollar gift card in hand we ended yesterday on a great note.
So here are some pictures to make up for my lack of blogging. Enjoy.