what the actual fuck?
What kind of mother am I? And this happens every time...EVERY SINGLE TIME. Apparently, my brain is stuck only remembering sub par music circa 2006. And I mean, don't get me wrong it's not a bad song....but uhhhhh why?
So let me paint you a picture... there I am rocking my little girl attempting to silence the crying and there's mommy "I found you ms. new booty...get it together and bring it back to me." Followed by an internal dialog "what the fuck is wrong with you, you can't sing that shit to your baby...ok I'll try again" "booty, booty, booty, booty rockin everywhere....DAMNIT"...this happens daily...like on the reg. And I can't stop it. So between, "Soft kitty" and "Ms. New Booty"...nominee for mother of the year award is this guy right here.
Where the hell is twinkle twinkle little star or you are my sunshine or the classic rockabye baby when I need them? Oh well...if you can't beat em... join em.