No but's awful.
And everyone's all like "Oh the baby's keeping you up?"
NO. Actually...she's a perfect little angel and sleeps through the night so god knows WHY the hell I'm not sleeping. It's been close to 5 days since I've had some half decent sleep. And if you know me even a little you know that sleep is very important to my well-being.
HENCE the name "Confessions of a Serial Napper"...because...8 hours of blissful sleep is often not enough for me. I love me some naps too. Ugh. There's nothing like taking a mid day nap on a rainy Sunday.
I'm actually infamous for my naps. I don't take little cat naps are for pussys. (See what I did there?)
I take NAPS. Like three hour POWER naps.
My friends would call me in the middle of the day for YEARS and when they didn't get an answer...they knew...
Naps are just so refreshing and invigorating and sometimes if you're grumpy or you feel like shit...a nap is just what the doctor ordered.
Well mama hasn't slept. And she is one tired and cranky mofo. And ain't nobody got time fo' naps.
So basically...I'm a walking zombie. I've been talking out my ass and stuttering and I just need some serious zzzz's.

Fingers crossed I can get some shut eye tonight...or things are going to start getting realllll ugly.