Recently I came across a pin that I found EXTREMELY interesting. But to preface:
I'm always looking for ways to make money or save money. Because, it's said that money can't buy happiness, but let's be honest, it does. And not only does it buy happiness it buys house, diapers, gas, etc. So any ways I can find to save the little money that I do make I will do it...or at least try.
One of the primary ways I like to do this is by carrying cash. Ya ya...I makes me a prime target for thieves. Whatever. But this method has worked for me my whole life. Being able to PHYSICALLY see the money leaving...that for me was the discerning factor and what's better, I have my own "keep the change" policy. I honestly don't understand what people have against change. I save all the change I get from using cash and collect it. Once I have a relatively decent amount...I roll it. Coin rolls are FREE people. There's not a single word in the english language I enjoy more than "free". You can get them at any bank, regardless of whether or not you belong to said bank. DO NOT...I repeat DO NOT, go to coinstar. Coinstar is for lazy SOBs. Last I checked those con artists were taking 9 cents off the dollar. 9 fucking cents. You may not realize how much that is but let me put it into perspective for you. 9 cents from a dollar...hey not so bad....but most people don't have a fucking dollars worth of change they're looking to change let's say you had 10 dollars that's 90 cents, which is almost a damn dollar. Still not sound so bad? ok..say you have 50 dollars in change that's $4.50 you are never going to see. 100 dollars? 9 fucking dollar out the window.
Ya ya... I get they need to make money somehow but rolling change is FREE, there is ZERO cost to you. And if you ask me, it not only leaves you with an extremely rewarding and gratifying feeling but it's also very how i'd imagine knitting is. I know I can see you rolling your eyes at me (Cut the shit) but you know what? In a span of 5 months one summer I had managed to save up 140 dollars in change, which I ended up using to help pay for a vacation. AND if you manage to not wait until you have a mountain of coins, and roll as you go, it allows you to see how much you're collecting and prevent you from rolling 329698236912739 coins all at once. In fact, I have over $100 in change rolled, in one of my drawers as we speak.
But I digress, this pin that I came across that was so fantastically interesting was one called the "52 week challenge". Simply put, the challenge is to put away a certain amount of money, each week, for 52 weeks. Week 1...1 dollar, week 2...2 dollar, week 3...3 dollars, and so on and so forth until you get to 52 weeks. And just to give you an idea:

This shit is genius. And you end up with $1,378 bucks at the end. That's a vacation! Or maybe a new TV! Or a whole months rent! However you look at it, that's a good amount of money. It's idiot proof, theres no crunching numbers, nothing! Simple stupid. So I have decided that once I return to work a week from today (from my maternity leave) I will be attempting this challenge. Join me, will you? And let me know your progress, comment and subscribe!