Inflatable Furniture

Remember this shit?! I had like a whole damn living room set in my room, like a boss...complete with couch, seat, and ottoman. Mine was in purple (obviously)....looking back I totally miss it...but let me tell you, that shit has come a LONG way and's STILL around.

Seriously?!! Where was this when we were kids? This is LEGITIMATE inflatable furniture. Awesome possum.
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Some evil genius somewhere was making bank off of dumbasses willing to pay money to look at like a half dozen pictures through retarded binoculars. And yet regardless, I still loved this little freakin thing to no end.
Lisa Frank

Lisa fucking Frank...that bitch had the best rainbow school shit EVER. I had EVERYTHING Lisa Frank as a kid. Pencils, trapperkeepers (yea remember those bad boys dontcha), notebooks, you name it..I had it. LOVED HER. Nuff said.
Pick up Sticks

Another evil genius of the 90s. This is how that board meeting went "Hey, I have an idea....lets take 30 multicolored shish kabob skewers throw em in a box and market that shit as a game" What was the object of the game? Pick up the most sticks (duh). Ah, how the simplest shit could entertain us for hours on end.
Well today's been fifty shades of nuts so I may or may not be adding to this later on. But make sure you comment and subscribe!
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