I...I HAVE time for that. Plenty.
SO Mondays truly just suck now. I'm tired, I miss my bug after a whole weekend of cuddling, I'm cranky...and then I get to work and this is what happens.

So now not only am I a total bitchfest, I'm unproductive.
But you know the one thing that would make all this BS go away...permanent 3 day weekends aside? A VACATION.
To say I'm a traveler would be putting it lightly...seriously. I've been to Spain, Aruba, the Bahamas, Punta Cana, Quebec, Florida, California, Myrtle Beach...And many of these places I've been numerous times. I can't get enough. I love warm weather. I love beaches. I love DISNEY. And that, my friends, is where I plan to vacation next. My last vacation was to California to visit one of my best friends but we did spend a day there, but one day in Disney? Never enough. Even Disneyland requires AT LEAST 2 days. So this momma is saving her money starting now. Bug NEEDS a trip to Florida, and it's been far too long since I've been.

Photo courtesy of the Walt Disney World facebook page that never ceases to remind me how badly I need a freaking trip back.
I CAN NOT WAIT for my bug to meet the first person who has and will always have a piece of my heart...

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