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More Photoshop

23 October 2013

So as much as I loved getting photoshop and having it at my fingertips I've sort of backburned it and I've felt nothing but guilty about it.

I am determined to become a better photographer and I needed to conquer it. So today I took some of the pictures from my last shoot and played around with some matte presets. I am SO SOOO in love with the outcome.

I'm loving the whole matte "fad" let me know what you think?

The Sunshine Award!

21 October 2013

So can we talk about how there are some people that just totally always manage to make your day?

Well that person for me lately has been my bloggy mommy friend +MarisaH.

Now if it weren't enough that she totally makes my day with her always kind and funny comments but she kind of has this ADORABLE baby Marlee that she blogs about who always puts a smile on my face.

And now to top it off she has nominated me for the Sunshine Award.

The Sunshine Award is given to those who inspire us and bring Sunshine into our lives.

Which totally makes sense that she was nominated because Marisa is the epitome of sunshine.

So there are a few simple rules for the Sunshine Award:

1. Include Award Logo in or on your blog post
2. Link to the person who nominated you
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself
4. Nominate other bloggers to give this award

Please visit and follow Marisa and Marlee at or by clicking here

Check her out and I guarantee she will put a smile on your face as much as she does for me! And while you're there you can check out her blog's cute new look (don't think I didn't notice!)

So when I first read Marisa had nominated me I was all

But inside I was totally all

This is my second award since starting the blog and it's so heartwarming to know I'm actually reaching a few people out there. So with that I'll answer the questions left for me by Marisa.

1. Give everyone a little info about you and your blog.

Welp. My blog has basically transformed into this gigantic blob of randomness. I have occasional recipes and DIY projects. And I have LOTS AND LOTS of pictures of Daddy and Bug (my nickname for my 7 month old baby girl Riley) and now recently I have been sharing my photography side work which will eventually become it's own site entirely.

2. What was the inspiration for starting a blog?

This one's easy and the answer is identical to why I decided to make the leap and purchase my camera. My Bug. I'm entirely forgetful, not intentionally of course. In fact I'm infamous for it. A blog became the perfect option for me. It allows me to have a creative outlet through writing which I've always enjoyed. And it also helps me to remember alllllll the little things. All the milestones and the memories, all right here.

3. What would your perfect date consist of?

The perfect date. Hmmmm. Well I'm totally spontaneous and adventurous at heart, whether my time or my wallet allow for it. I think my perfect date would be a trip to my favorite city, New York City. Grabbing some dinner, walking central park, a little shopping, and ending the night with a frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity.

This is a picture of one of my best friends and I enjoying a frozen hot chocolate about 2 years ago from Serendipity, they are life changing and nothing like any of the ones you see at Dunkin (trust me).

4. You have been cast on a reality TV show. What show and why?

That's a tough one. I'd have to say Big Brother, because it requires zero talent haha I used to be a frequent watcher so I guess it'd be kinda cool, and I'm kind of a social butterfly so I suppose I would have that going for me too.

5. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be?

Oh god, it's probably a tie between the Maldives:

Or Greece:

Or Bora Bora:

No need to ask me why haha I've been to Aruba twice, Punta Cana, and the Bahamas and these are my dream places to visit.

6. You are stranded on an island and only have three items in your suitcase. What are they?

Oh god, well I'm practical so I suppose the answer to that would be sunscreen, a lighter, and a knife. That's the survivor in me. But if it were me tailoring to my inner-Kerin it would be a good LONG book, a blanket, and lots of Starbucks Lemon pound cake. hahaha No but seriously that shit is delicious.

7. Name three celebrities that you would like to invite over for dinner and drinks and why?

Well my woman crush without a doubt is Rachel McAdams. She is so beautiful, a great actress, and she seems like such a nice freaking person, I would love to pick her brain. Taylor Swift because she is also such a genuinely kind person (and that I know for a fact), and Johnny Depp. He is the epitome of a brilliant actor and I can only imagine he'd be one hell of a time.

8. For your birthday, you can have any gift you want. What is it?

A house for my family to live and grow in.

9. Name one materialistic thing that you cannot live without and why?

Goodness, I'd have to say my phone. As stupid and mundane as that sounds. Like I've mentioned before I'm a social butterfly, it's how I keep in touch with everyone, it's how I take pictures of my bug when I don't feel like or have the DSLR around, I've used it in emergencies, it wakes me up every morning, plays my music, tells me the weather, and how much money (or little money) I have in my bank account hahah it's my lifeline.

10. How long have you been blogging and do you think you will be blogging five years from now?

I've only been blogging for about 7 months coming up on 8. I don't know if I'll be blogging 5 years from now or even a year from now, but I hope... sincerely hope... I am.

So those we're the questions Marisa left for me now for my nominations and their questions.

1. Kristen Genevieve from Sunny With a Chance of Lemons

I recently found Kristen's blog and she is an ADORABLE mommy-to-be.

2. Christa from Possibly Polished

Christa I actually went to high school with she is the sweetest and has talent POURING out of her. Don't believe me? Go check out her blog, that alone is just one of her many talents. Christa can seriously paint her nails, and is always coming up with these awesome ideas. And if that weren't enough, she shares her tips and tricks as well as where and how to et the best coupons and deals in the beauty department. LOVE her. Her personality alone makes her a ray of sunshine so she couldn't be a better candidate.

Now for my questions for you!

1. Tell us about you blog. What do you write about? How long have you been blogging and do you see yourself being a long time blogger?

2. What is one of your favorite quotes?

3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

4. Where do you seen yourself 10 years from now?

5. What is the best present you've ever received?

6. If you could meet anyone famous (living or non-living) who would it be and why?

7. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

8.If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?

9. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

10. What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?

Alright ladies, you're up! And a big thanks again to my wonderful blogger mommy friend Marisa!! :)

The Giraffe Hat

18 October 2013

So Aunty Lindsay works at a boutique baby store. It's awesome and always has the best UNIQUE clothing which I love.

I hate going to that all carry various forms of Carters. And don't get me wrong, I do love carters, but what I love more is variety.

Aunty Lindsay surprised us with this hat one day.

I about lost my shit.

It's SO soft and cuddly and ADORABLE.

I'm in love.

Always with that tongue!

Lord, grant me the strength.