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Life Updates

24 November 2013

I'm still living life in the fast lane at the moment.

I feel like the weeks are FLYING by now.

How the eff did Thanksgiving sneak up on us like that?

I'm so excited to have a day off to spend time with the whole family and eat until I shame.

I got my first check from the new job and wow...just wow.

I am SO happy.

Boyfriend and I went to go see an apartment yesterday.

And what's funny is it specifically said in the ad that it was not a pet friendly place.

But I kept coming across the apartment and it was in a perfect location for us. It was far bigger than anything we'd seen, very very nicely done, AND cheaper.

So I left an email, crossed my fingers, and hoped for the best.

Yesterday the owner called, I told him I was very interested in the place and that I noticed that the ad said it was not pet friendly but I figured I'd go out on a limb. I told him about Sadee and that I wasn't about to be dishonest about owning a pet. He said that he sincerely appreciated my honesty, that his wife was currently at the home and if we had time to stop by we could go see it in person.

I practically shit my pants.

Here is a time when being honest can actually work in your favor. And I had a feeling that may be the case because it's not like it is in a giant complex.

Well all it took was walking in the door and I knew it was for us. And boyfriend did too.

So we filled out an application and NOW we wait.

Have I mentioned I hate waiting?

I like to think I'm patient but really...I'm not...not even a little. And it will eat away at my soul until I know either way whether or not we got the apartment.

So to all my bloggy friends send out your best and biggest "You got the apartment" vibes and wish our little family luck!

Things You Didn't Know About Me

19 November 2013

So this thing has been going around facebook about posting things people don't know about you and while I don't know if I would do it on facebook where would be a perfect place for that?


Right here.

So here you go.

1. My middle name is Theresa.

2. My first dogs name was Jetty.

3. I've owned bunnies and guinea pigs and I miss them more than anything.

4. I'm an only child. And when you're a kid everyone's all "oh that's awesome you don't have to share anything" blah blah blah.. But the grass is always greener right? Well it was shitty for me. Sure I got more presents than most kids but who gives a rats ass if you have all these toys and no one to enjoy them with. AND if boyfriend didn't have two sisters bug would have NO aunts uncles or cousins. Talk about depressing. 

5. I love to sing. I'm not a bad by any means but I'm also not American idol material. I just genuinely love to sing. 

6. I despise the sound of my own voice (talking not singing).

7. My great grandmother lived to be 102.

8. I name EVERYTHING. blankets, rugs, cars, pillows, toys, you name it.

9. My favorite tv shows are pretty little liars (judge away), vampire diaries, and Big Bang theory. 

10. I'm obsessed with reading and to this day my all time favorite book is still Tuesdays with Morrie. That book changed my life and I'm ashamed by the ugly crying that followed most of my nights reading it.

11. I'm obsessed with candles.

12. And also anything Disney.

13. I can't wait for the day I get to call boyfriend, husband.

I'll definitely be adding to this but for now it'll have to do because I'm one tired mama! 

The Apartment Hunt

17 November 2013

I am MISERABLE trying to find an apartment for my little family.

Apparently everyone hates dogs and wants nothing to do with them but how could you hate this face?

Fo realz.

No but seriously my Sadee has more in common with an area rug than she does a dog.

She a lazy, lovey, do-nothing-but-eat-and-sleep dog.

And I get that some places don't have the yard or grounds for dogs and that's understandable but not all dogs are messy, smelly, worrisome, destructive animals.

And the ones that do allow dogs charge 4.8 million dollars a month.

But as much as I love to bitch and complain.

I couldn't live without her...and so the search continues.