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Why Me?

19 September 2013

Can we talk about the shit that only happens to me?

As we've discussed previously I'm kind of a hazard.

I never cease to amaze myself sometimes I swear.

Allow me to elaborate further with the following story:

The other day when I was giving bug a bath, I was cleaning the tub of her things when I decided that there wasn't enough room in the shower for her other bottle of Johnson's and Johnson's (and to be completely honest, I'm not entirely fond of the smell...the purple bedtime bath and the yellow classic one are my two favorites...but I digress) so I pick up the bottle.

The bottle, mind you, is not wet. It is also in no way slippery or anything of the sort but my dumb ass managed to drop it.

Now I've dropped shampoo/soap/you-name-it bottles 4 bajillion-million times in the shower.

And my life usually flashes before my eyes followed by the overwhelming fear of crushed toes and some riverdance-esk foot flailing action.


But in all those times not ONCE has anything happened to the bottle. Never ever.

Wanna know what happened this time around?

Feast Your Eyes:

This shit.

How is this even real life?

It just committed suicide.

And while part of me was all like..."Oh no, oh why?! Why meeeeee!?"

The other part was all like "Fine by me, I didn't really like ya that much anyway."

But still.

Stuff like this, would only happen to me.

Where Does The Time Go?

17 September 2013

Bug had a doctors appointment yesterday, Doc said she's healthy as a horse. Right on track with weight (14.09 lbs) and above average in height (27 inches up 2 inches from our last visit!).

Daddy's not very tall, he's about 5'8", he'll tell you 5'9" but that's not the case.

I'm 5'7 1/2" and have a veryyy tall family. My mom is 5'9" and my dad is 6'3" but boyfriend's family runs on the short to average side so it's a toss up as to what she's going to be.

Both his side as well as my own have issues with weight so both boyfriend and I are VERY adamant about watching hers. And I vow to be that way with her until the day she is no longer living in my house and in my care. I refuse to allow my babies to struggle through life the way I did. So hearing the doctor say she is average and right on track with weight makes my heart sing, even if she is only 6 months.

So between editing photos, going to doctors, spending time with family, and a sick Daddy and now a sick life has been bonkers.

At least something went right today.

I called Summer Infant the makers of our baby monitor, which decided to stop working this past week, and told them we had a problem.

The really nice gentleman on the phone Everett (who I proceeded to call Ed the entire phone call due to my little deaf ears) said that he would replace our monitor, which is only 5 months old, with a brand spankin' new monitor.

And oh, did I mention it's the newest version?! Hell ya!

When boyfriend and I went to buy the monitor it was severely discounted which we deemed to be due to a newer model replacing it coming out soon. Sure enough...that was the case!

I'm so freaking excited that ONE..just ONE little tiny insignificant thing went right, that I want to shout from the rooftops how awesome Summer Infant is.

Now if only everything else in my life would follow suit.

I finished editing the engagement shoot pictures which I will be sure to leave at the end of this post. I also added a little something extra for her which I will share with you, just because she was so wonderful.

But right now I'm in need of some hibernation.

So I'm gunna sit on the couch in my PJ's and slippers, with a warm fuzzy blanket, a fire, and a giant bowl of soup while little bug snoozes away upstairs...


Ready, Set....

15 September 2013

I am like the happiest person on earth right now. The engagement shoot went AMAZING. First of all I couldn't have asked for a better, sweeter, more loving first couple to shoot than these two.

I was beaming the entire time taking their photos. And I cannot WAIT to show you what I've done so far.


I am so out of my mind happy with these pictures so far. Sometimes I wish I had a bit more faith in myself. This being my first official non-family shoot I couldn't be more excited.

A big huge thanks to Meagan and Danny for being adorable and being the best guinea pigs ever. THANK YOU.