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Crazy Town

13 June 2013

These past few days have been absolutely bananas!

My schedule goes a little like this:

Wake up, engorge on breakfast food, get ready, drive to work, go to work, drive home, engorge on dinner, see bug and boyfriend for ohhhh MAYBE two hours, and then go to bed. BAM. Whole day and that's what I have to show for it.

Social media has become a thing of the past.

At least now I sincerely look forward to the weekends.

And with all this commotion going on, I didn't know monday from thursday and day from night, and what did I do?

I forgot my own mother's birthday.

I wish I were kidding.

Worst daughter award goes to? This guy.

I about lost my shit.

Who does that?

I effed up my DIY project and now have to go about it a wholllllle different way.

I can't wait to finally get into a comfortable groove again...except I'm sure when I do that will be when my schedule changes AGAIN in September.

But there is a little positivity in all this crazy.

I LOVE my job. I love the people I work with. And I love the money that comes with it ($$$$) and there's even MORE money to come. I can barely keep myself from rubbing my hands together and laughing maniacally.

My birthday is coming up :)

AND I'm getting a custom blog designed as we speak!

So there is some excitement to come but for now I must go. I'll leave you with two more pictures from the weekend.

This Weekend's Festivities

10 June 2013

Boyfriend bug and I went to our friend's graduation party. We were so proud of her and wouldn't have missed it for the world. Especially since we love her and her family so much.

So of course we go and bug is passed around like a little hot potato. EVERYONE loves this little peanut. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.


Still working on my DIY project cause lezbehonest...I'm slooooow....but it's a work in progress.

As Promised

08 June 2013

Photo bomb from tonight :)

More tomorrow! And a DIY tutorial too!!