From the minute my bug was born she was amazing the crap out of everyone, no seriously, i'm not just saying it. This little girl is ridiculous. Even immediately right after birth she was extremely alert and ready to make an impression. The second day after she was born she was able to hold her head up, granted not for very long, but unbelievable nonetheless. Her legs are so freaking strong, she can stand on them for a few seconds at a time or use them to kick the ever living shit out of whoever is changing her diaper. At 6 weeks now she's still blowing my mind.
I'm not ready to leave her and go back to work. I'm terrified of missing all these milestones that she seems to be blowing past so quickly. So I've been making an attempt to document every second I'm with her just to make sure I feel like I'm not missing much. Thankfully, she'll be watched by my future mother and sister in law, who are almost as obsessed with this bug as we are, taking just as many pictures and videos. I'll be sure to post more later on today but for now, I leave you with this face.