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Flashback Friday

19 April 2013

TGIF baby! Seriously. Ugh what a week! I can't wait for this long ass week to just be OVER. I need me some cuddlin time with my bug, seeing her for only a few hours a night really isn't cutting it. So I figured I'd touch back on my flashback friday topic from last week and sweet baby jesus am I reminiscing.

Inflatable Furniture

Remember this shit?! I had like a whole damn living room set in my room, like a boss...complete with couch, seat, and ottoman. Mine was in purple (obviously)....looking back I totally miss it...but let me tell you, that shit has come a LONG way and's STILL around.

Seriously?!! Where was this when we were kids? This is LEGITIMATE inflatable furniture. Awesome possum.

View Master

Some evil genius somewhere was making bank off of dumbasses willing to pay money to look at like a half dozen pictures through retarded binoculars. And yet regardless, I still loved this little freakin thing to no end.

Lisa Frank

Lisa fucking Frank...that bitch had the best rainbow school shit EVER. I had EVERYTHING Lisa Frank as a kid. Pencils, trapperkeepers (yea remember those bad boys dontcha), notebooks, you name it..I had it. LOVED HER. Nuff said.

Pick up Sticks

Another evil genius of the 90s. This is how that board meeting went "Hey, I have an idea....lets take 30 multicolored shish kabob skewers throw em in a box and market that shit as a game" What was the object of the game? Pick up the most sticks (duh). Ah, how the simplest shit could entertain us for hours on end.

Well today's been fifty shades of nuts so I may or may not be adding to this later on. But make sure you comment and subscribe!

C'est La Vie

18 April 2013

Recently I bought me a new car. This was a life altering event. It was my first "big girl" purchase, and to say it's been my best purchase to date would be an understatement.

I mean. Just look at her (her name is Violet by the can't see it in the picture very well but she's actually purple. IN LOVE...and yes, I'm one of those crazies that names their car). HOWEVER today my "best purchase ever" is kicking me in the ass. Today, my car hates me. And nothing terrifies the ever living shit out of me more than a malfunctioning vehicle. I have been in my fair share of predicaments with vehicles, and now having bug, I'm the worlds largest worry wart. My old car (the car I was given in high school) was previously owned by Satan. That car had it out for me and in the span of two years I had been stranded AT LEAST a half dozen times. That asshole on the side of the road, bawling their eyes out, throwing shit around like a nutbag and having a spastic fit in their car? Ya ...that's me. It happens after the third or fourth time your reject-mobile breaks down in a ridiculously short period of time. Needless to say, that made purchasing a new (to me) car all the more comforting.

While on the topic, I've also been stranded in OTHER peoples cars, because... well... that's just my shitty ass luck. The boyfriend and I a year and a half or so ago got in a huge fight and broke up. So in typical best friend fashion my two best friends took it upon themselves to take me on a road trip to get it off my mind. And yes, it is just how you are picturing it. So off we travel in a VW bug (I wish I could make this shit up)off to new york city, which for us was about a 3-3 1/2 hour drive. Well my friends bug (the car...not my baby) is about as reliable as the titanic. In other words, about halfway there, we break down. SOO now not only am I grieving from the breakup, now we're stranded in the middle-of-fucking-nowhere Connecticut, in the parking lot of a drug store. So what is the only solution? We drink. And oh my lanta did we ever. We basically played hot potato with a bottle of vodka and finished an entire bottle (straight, mind you) in roughly 5 minutes. It was as disgusting as it was ridiculous. We had to get towed from Connecticut to Rhode Island and they slapped us with a GIANT ASS tab. Awesome.

So long story short, I'm accustomed to this shit-fest. Now my new car this morning? Ugh. Thankfully boyfriend is more than handy in the car department and hopefully I wont need to hand over an arm and a leg to pay for the damn thing. Oh well....C'est la vie, right?

Mush Brain

17 April 2013 pregnancy mush brain, this shit is scientific fact...seriously. It's AWFUL. Nevermind the fact that I have the attention span and memory of a box of fucking rocks to begin with, now lets add a baby shall we?

I don't think I have finished one thought, sentence, idea, project, whatever from start to finish. There's no going from A to B in one shot. I'm at fucking Q before I see an end in sight.

So now not only do I have a 6 week old and a boyfriend who sometimes acts like a toddler (sorry, babe)(this will be the ultimate test as to whether or not he reads my blog to begin with) but NOW I'm back to work and we are busier than EVER. Holy brain mush, Batman.

And what's better? I work with customers all day and they are forced to see me in this state of absolute lunacy.

Example? You know when you walk in a room and you say to yourself "Shit, why am I in here again?"...To the average person, that probably happens MAYBE once a Once every hour or two. Seriously. It's so bad I have to hope I have something in my hand to give me some semblance of a clue like I'm Sherlock fucking Holmes trying to solve his own damn mystery.

Post it notes have become my best friend. Because I can't hold onto something in my mind longer than .27 seconds. People are beginning to think I'm crazy or slow or something. I have no less than 6 post it notes on my desk at any one given time strewn with spastic notes.

So I've finally come to the conclusion that my elevator no longer goes to the top floor..I'm one sandwich short of a my rocker...and you know what? I may be going absolutely fucking bananas but the fact that I get to come home to this face at the end of the day makes it totally worth it.