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Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts

Just A Bit More

07 July 2013

Fourth of July Shenanigans

06 July 2013

The Fourth was such a surreal day because the Fourth of July has more than one connotation for me. A year from that day was the the day I discovered I was having a baby.

I was terrified... I was nervous... I was completely overwhelmed.

I thought I was going puke. It was only because of the support of boyfriend and his sisters that I even managed to not lose my sanity completely. I remember saying over and over to myself "holy shit, this time next year I'll have a baby in my arms."

And now here I am a year later even more in love with my best friend and feeling so lucky that we have the most wonderful and beautiful baby girl.... And I wouldn't change a thing.

It was wonderful this Fourth of July with my little family and of course it wouldn't be me if I didn't have 3 billion pictures to document the day but here are a select few :)

Change is Inevitable

01 July 2013

My sister in law (or soon to be) was so flipping cute today.

First of all, this woman (who I love to absolute pieces mind you) has been my lifeline and my sanity throughout my entire relationship with boyfriend, pregnancy, and now motherhood. She's a fucking cornucopia of advice and expertise and I relish in any and every tip, comment, or minute factoid she has to give me, as...more often then's gold, pure gold.

She will never hesitate to tell you whether you're being a complete psychopath (texting her at all hours with obscene pregnancy freak outs) or if you're just doing the normal/acceptable crazy mom bullshit. She tells you how it is (in the nicest way possible of course).

Well, you would swear my sister-in-law was bug's mom. She posts more pictures of her and has more pictures of her around the house than she does of her two boys (I'm not kidding...and I believe they refer to it as their shrine). She loves bug beyond what an aunty does.

And today she texted boyfriend and I with this GIANT ass list of things she had noticed from the last time she'd seen her (which was last week mind you). But the more I read the list, and smile and laugh to myself, I realize how so very right she is.

Every single day bug changes.

She talks like her life depends on it, like she has the cure to world hunger or some shit stored in that little tiny head of hers that she insists on sharing with the world. She just babbles away incoherently, listening to the sound of her own voice, and by what I gather she sincerely enjoys the sound.

She's a baby fart machine, both in the actual and fake forms. She's taken to blowing bubbles and drooling like a rabid dog and makes all these new faces and sounds. She's getting taller and growing more hair. She's just starting to laugh and try to sit up on her own. She can hold things now, even if only for a moment or so. But all of this...all of these things...they're new...they're changing and transforming and it's the most insane and beautiful thing I've ever witnessed in my life.

I just want to soak it all in and remember it all because it seems just as I get used to one little nuance another one arises. She is ever changing, ever growing.

And I love that we get to share these moments with such wonderful people like her aunty. An aunty who texts me to tell me she's noticed all these little, tiny but amazing things.

I guess this post is just to say how so right (again) bug's Aunty really is. Change is inevitable, and with babies it is happening CONSTANTLY so as a parent I think I need to learn and teach myself to take a step back from my rather ridiculously fast paced life and better soak in all these changes. I don't want to miss any new noise, or tiny hair on her head, or milestone, or anything. I don't wanna miss a thing.

Sorry I had to.

Because not only is change inevitable it happens FAST. So to end tonights post I'm going to keep all this in mind and spend the remainder of my night squeezing the bejesus out of my not so little peanut.

Just a Bit More

30 June 2013


Do you see that face?! Oh my lanta, how am I ever going to be able to tell her no? Greaaaaaatt.

Sick as a Dog.

27 June 2013

You know, I never really understood that phrase.... Sick as a dog. My dog has never been sick so to be quite honest, it's fucking stupid if you ask me...but I digress...

I AM sick. And as much as it totally blows, I can't really complain (well too much, because I'm the queen of bitching and complaining so a-bitching I will go) because I haven't been sick in the longest time.

Generally speaking, I get sick all the time, but for some reason the past year has been an ok year...ya know...general pregnancy-bitching aside. You know what else sucks about being sick? Everything tastes like F%#*ING NOTHING. The chicken picatta I had for dinner tasted exactly like the sandwich I had for lunch and the english muffin I had for breakfast. At that point...why the hell am I even bothering to eat.

I'm tired, I'm groggy, I'm stuffy, I'm cough-y, and now I'm grumpy. So I've been forced into a love affair...with Mr. Quil. I've been downing dayquil like it's my damn job.

So I'm forced to go to work in this state of lunacy....and I can only imagine my colleagues feeling a little something like this:

So unfortunately tonight my post will be short and I will be taking a bottle of Nyquil to the face tonight and going to bed far too early.

I believe I still have more pictures to post from last weekend, but to be perfectly honest I'm not entirely sure and as of right now I don't care to look. So off to bed for bug, bumpy, and I. FYI...I give everyone a stupid ass nickname and for the record bumpy is my dog, Sadee but I will further explain later on so for now, I have a bed with my name on it. Good-flippin-night.

Photobomb Part One

24 June 2013

The first of many mini photo bombs.

Rain Cloud

20 June 2013

So you know those days where it feels like there's a raincloud following you around?

THAT, my friends, was yesterday.

All those awesome things I was talking about happening...they all went down the shitter.

First let me start with the house.

We drove up and I knew INSTANTLY it wasn't for us. You know how they say you just get that feeling in your wedding dress that it's "the one" because of the way it makes you feel? I always assumed it was the same with houses.

Well not only did I not get this feeling from this house but it was just NOT right for us. There was WAY too much that needed to be done that the pictures did not properly display. I don't mind cosmetic fact part of me would kind of like a house that needs a little just because I can put a little of myself into the house and put all those interior design classes to good use.

But this was NOT just cosmetic work...EVERYTHING needed work. EVERYTHING. Ceilings, floors, walls, stairs, you name it, it needed fixing or replacing...and well as I like to say...

So that was shitty situation number 1.

Number 2?

That purchase I was talking about. YA...allow me to share.

Mommy has been wanting this Michael Kors wallet for wayyyy too long.

But I sincerely couldn't justify $110 for a wallet. Not cool, Michael, not cool. I'm a mommy now so I'm ballin on a budget.

Well out of nowhere mommy decided to take a look on craigslist and what do you know there's my wallet...just sittin there starin me in the face. And the clouds opened up and angels began to sing and all was right with the world again.

This woman was selling the EXACT wallet I wanted...barely used...for 40 dollars. Go ahead, ask me how excited I was. SO faster than I'm comfortable with admitting I texted this woman telling her I was interested and asked if I could come the next day. She explains that she's busy that day but the following day would be just fine.

So I text her the following morning asking if it was still ok for me to come pick it up at the time we discussed and WHAT DID SHE SAY?!?!

"I already sold it, sry"




Let me just say she is lucky she didn't give me her address because my ass would have been standing at her front door shouting a bunch of my favorite four letter words in her general direction.


And that's not even all of the crap I went through yesterday. I need a pick me up like pronto.

Hump Day

19 June 2013

It's Hump Day, Baby!!!

It's been a loooooong two days let me tell you.

I have like zero time to myself.

And JUST enough time with bug and boyfriend, and girls wine night (the only two things I will MAKE time for)

But this week is turning out to be an extremely eventful one.

Boyfriend and I are looking at a house tonight! Yep that's right, you heard correctly. And I am OUT OF MY MIND excited. Like absolutely losing my shit excited because this momma needs to MOVE OUT. I'm just hoping it's the one (we will see, updates to come)

So we have the house viewing tonight, and I'm FINALLY almost done my DIY project (since it turned from easy DIY project to a please-dont-do-this-it's-far-too-time-consuming project).

I also have a purchase I'll be making tonight that I CANNOT wait to share with you, and I'm stoked out of my mind.

My New Blog should be ready any time now and I'm one step shy of peeing in anticipation.

And to top all this awesome-ness off, Bug, boyfriend, and I are spending the weekend in the Cape with my two best friends and their boyfriends. YEA BABY!!!

I'm all smiles. Photography opportunities out the wahoo. Family time, friends time, wine time, sunshine. Yep.

Right now... I am one happy mama.

"You Look Tired"

13 June 2013

This is the comment I got from our waitress at dinner tonight.

How do you even respond to that?

"I know"?
"I get that a lot." ?

It's basically a blatant and outright insult and the nicest way to tell someone they look like shit and get away with it.

It's Thursday, it's rained practically every damn day, so the only thing that's missing from becoming a narcoleptic would be a radio following me around perpetually playing lullabies.

Sleepy is not a good look for me, my eyes get all dark and swollen like I just got a fist to the face, my face gets ghostly pale like I haven't seen the sun in my's just all around bad.

I sleep great and really have no excuse to be tired...and I am lookin like ass and getting these comments.


So needless to say I'm STOKED it's Friday tomorrow.

I can not WAIT to spend the weekend with my loves and my camera and just RELAX. Bring it on, Friday. Bring. It. On.

Crazy Town

These past few days have been absolutely bananas!

My schedule goes a little like this:

Wake up, engorge on breakfast food, get ready, drive to work, go to work, drive home, engorge on dinner, see bug and boyfriend for ohhhh MAYBE two hours, and then go to bed. BAM. Whole day and that's what I have to show for it.

Social media has become a thing of the past.

At least now I sincerely look forward to the weekends.

And with all this commotion going on, I didn't know monday from thursday and day from night, and what did I do?

I forgot my own mother's birthday.

I wish I were kidding.

Worst daughter award goes to? This guy.

I about lost my shit.

Who does that?

I effed up my DIY project and now have to go about it a wholllllle different way.

I can't wait to finally get into a comfortable groove again...except I'm sure when I do that will be when my schedule changes AGAIN in September.

But there is a little positivity in all this crazy.

I LOVE my job. I love the people I work with. And I love the money that comes with it ($$$$) and there's even MORE money to come. I can barely keep myself from rubbing my hands together and laughing maniacally.

My birthday is coming up :)

AND I'm getting a custom blog designed as we speak!

So there is some excitement to come but for now I must go. I'll leave you with two more pictures from the weekend.

This Weekend's Festivities

10 June 2013

Boyfriend bug and I went to our friend's graduation party. We were so proud of her and wouldn't have missed it for the world. Especially since we love her and her family so much.

So of course we go and bug is passed around like a little hot potato. EVERYONE loves this little peanut. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.


Still working on my DIY project cause lezbehonest...I'm slooooow....but it's a work in progress.

As Promised

08 June 2013

Photo bomb from tonight :)

More tomorrow! And a DIY tutorial too!!