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Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

And So It Begins

17 July 2013

Passed out asleep beside me this tiny bug has stolen my little black heart.

With each passing day there is something new and I feel like it's happening all so fast.

I swear it felt like it was just last week that we were all trying our hardest to make her smile and now we can't get her to stop. She JUST started laughing all the time (which is probably one of the most amazing things I've ever heard in my life). She's now sitting up (assisted) but sitting up nonetheless. Her little coos and gurgles have turned into full blown baby chatter (and mother of god...she is a talker).

But the last few days or so have been rough for bug. She's been crying way more often then usual and we have been sitting here studying her like a rare artifact.

And we've finally decided we think she is in the very very beginning stages of teething.

Poor bug.

It makes me sad to think there's only so much I can do, and until we know 100% what's causing her to be such a cranky pants I don't want to give her any medicine.

So for now I will hold her close and squish her way too tight and give her all the ice cold tethers she can handle.

But my lanta how quickly all this has happened.

I swear one day I'm just gunna turn around and she's gunna to be walking. Like...totally skip crawling altogether and just start straight up walking.

I know everyone said it would happen FAST but let me be clear, nobody mentioned it happens all at once.

Oy vey, does it happen all out once. But I'm loving every single millisecond of it.

A New Passion

08 July 2013

I'm so fucking obsessed with this baby, I can't even contain myself. Do you see those eyes? still my heart.

And what I'm loving almost as much right now? Photography.

It's been like my drug. I'm like one of those crazy-ass tourist losers running around with their giant camera around their neck.

Yep. That's me. Total full-blown loser.

So I've decided once I get a bit more equipment and props I'd really like to start doing it for others. Starting out super cheap if not free and work my way to doing it semi-pro (if you will).

However, this mama needs practice. So practice I will.

But I sincerely haven't found a love, or passion, or drive to pursue something like this my whole life, it's a wonderful feeling to have a hobby I love, let me tell you. Expensive...but wonderful nonetheless.

Fourth of July Shenanigans

06 July 2013

The Fourth was such a surreal day because the Fourth of July has more than one connotation for me. A year from that day was the the day I discovered I was having a baby.

I was terrified... I was nervous... I was completely overwhelmed.

I thought I was going puke. It was only because of the support of boyfriend and his sisters that I even managed to not lose my sanity completely. I remember saying over and over to myself "holy shit, this time next year I'll have a baby in my arms."

And now here I am a year later even more in love with my best friend and feeling so lucky that we have the most wonderful and beautiful baby girl.... And I wouldn't change a thing.

It was wonderful this Fourth of July with my little family and of course it wouldn't be me if I didn't have 3 billion pictures to document the day but here are a select few :)

Just a Bit More

30 June 2013


Do you see that face?! Oh my lanta, how am I ever going to be able to tell her no? Greaaaaaatt.

Lindsay's Bruschetta Pasta Salad

29 June 2013

The following recipe comes per my friend Lindsay and for the record it IS as delicious as it sounds.

I think the best part about this recipe is that it's simple. And not just simple in that it's easy to make but simple also due to the lack of ingredients. Color me crazy but recipes that I tend to lean toward generally have fewer ingredients.

And if you're wondering...yes I AM one of those nit-picky people. There are a lot of things I do not like for example: onions, olives, mushrooms, ANY seafood, MOST cooked veggies. If that makes me picky...then fine so be it. However, I've lived my whole life eating plenty of really delicious food that does not include any of the aforementioned foods. So recipes that have simple ingredients are what attract me most and THIS is one of them. Five ingredients, people...five.


1 Box/lb of tri color rotini
1 1/4 cup of diced tomatoes
3/4 cup of shredded fat free mozzarella
2-4 finely chopped fresh basil leaves
Roughly 7oz of Balsamic Vinaigrette (to taste)

And that is IT. I'd like to make two notes.

1. You CAN used diced fresh mozzarella as well however Lindsay likes the continuity of the shredded. Plus lezbehonest it makes for a much easier and faster prep.
2. When Lindsay was texting me the recipe her phone autocorrected "tomatoes" to "panties". And for me that too is worth noting.


Cook the rotini until tender (or al dente as I prefer it), throw in a bowl and mix with remaining ingredients.

It's THAT easy. And for the record, pretty damn healthy too.

If you try it, maybe for your fourth of July parties (hint, hint) be sure to let us know what you think!

Photobomb Part One

24 June 2013

The first of many mini photo bombs.

Hump Day

19 June 2013

It's Hump Day, Baby!!!

It's been a loooooong two days let me tell you.

I have like zero time to myself.

And JUST enough time with bug and boyfriend, and girls wine night (the only two things I will MAKE time for)

But this week is turning out to be an extremely eventful one.

Boyfriend and I are looking at a house tonight! Yep that's right, you heard correctly. And I am OUT OF MY MIND excited. Like absolutely losing my shit excited because this momma needs to MOVE OUT. I'm just hoping it's the one (we will see, updates to come)

So we have the house viewing tonight, and I'm FINALLY almost done my DIY project (since it turned from easy DIY project to a please-dont-do-this-it's-far-too-time-consuming project).

I also have a purchase I'll be making tonight that I CANNOT wait to share with you, and I'm stoked out of my mind.

My New Blog should be ready any time now and I'm one step shy of peeing in anticipation.

And to top all this awesome-ness off, Bug, boyfriend, and I are spending the weekend in the Cape with my two best friends and their boyfriends. YEA BABY!!!

I'm all smiles. Photography opportunities out the wahoo. Family time, friends time, wine time, sunshine. Yep.

Right now... I am one happy mama.